What is the Like Button - Liker.Land - How it works

Recently I add Like Button to my blog and this article is a little explanation for this like button!
    so first 

    How is like process - What will happen after you klick like?

    First you will see this

    To like a blog or post you will need to register / login Liker.Land
    So after you click the hand icon 
    This Blue Hand Icon

    It will tell you to login or register

    You can use Google Email, Facebook, Twitter, Apple or Matters to login / register. Just click the button and choose your Nickname then is the register process finish. 

    Then you can click this Hand Icon to give me a like - a person can maximal give 5 likes to a post so feel free to click the like button 5 times if you like my post / blog

    After you clicked 5 times like button it might ask you to become a civic liker to super like but you don't have to do it (( Its something like a subscription for this site but since I don't update my content that frequently so you don't need to subscribe me. But if you want to support me this way Im of course welcome and appreciate www

    What is Liker.Land / Like Button:

    So Liker.Land is a website / platform which allowed content creator earn some extra money by receiving likes from their reader and people who think their content is useful.
    It is a company from Hong Kong and the service is commonly used in Taiwan and Hong Kong. As what I see most people using Liker.Land are from East Asia. 

    And Like Button is the button you can see in the left side (( that blue hand button - every time you click the button I will receive a like - It wont cost you anything 

     Why like a blog / post?

    • First It helps / inspires me to create more content 
    • It can somehow improve my life ( income ) 
      • For every 5 likes you give me I will get around 0.1 dollar
    • Show your support and I'd be very appreciate!

    Do I have to paid anything?

    No - you can like up to 5 times for every post / blog and if you want to like 6th time than you will need to " upgrade " your account to become a Civic Liker

    Why I chose Liker.Land?

    I chose it because 
    1. there's already a lot of content creator using Liker.Land ( Mostly in Taiwan or Hong Kong)
    2. I think its a super nice way to get little extra income and I don't need to ask for donation anymore I just need to ask for a like, which is more comfortable for me
    3. Its easier for the reader to support me since you don't need to donate me any money you just need to click like button
    4. Like button is easy to install and auto add in the last line of every post so I dont need to add a like button widget one by one for every old / new post 

    So before you leave this post, Would you like to give me a Like?

    What is the Like Button - Liker.Land - How it works What is the Like Button - Liker.Land - How it works Reviewed by NingNing on February 05, 2022 Rating: 5

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