【 Introduction / Review】Light.VN 【 Visual Novel Engine】

Hi ~ H i~ OwO Today I am going to introduce another engine for making visual novel - named Light . VN

I found it while um ... I can’t remember it anymore www. To put it simply, I stumbled on it about 1 year or 2 years ago and found it looks cool and awesome so I uploaded it but my Japanese... So I gave up. Recently I saw it again when I was sorting my folders, so I tried to use it again

First, if you are interested in it, you can click the following link to the official tutorial/documentation:

Official Site - Link


Official documentation - LINK

Official WIKI - LINK

----- divider ----- 

The following begins with a small tutorial time

To use Light.VN first you have to go to the official website

Click - download the latest version - from the first page --> and then the download will start

After the download is complete, open the folder of Light.VN

There are 3 Light.VN programs inside  the folder and the program we want to use to make games is in the middle LightEditor.

After double-clicking to open the Editor, you will see this picture

The black part in the middle is used to preview the picture.

There are all instructions on the left ( Buttons )

On the right is all the codes

It should be very simple for Japanese people ((Just click the instruction on the left and the code on the right will appear.

But it should be a bit difficult for people who don’t know Japanese ( like me QAQ )

It is super difficult for me but because of my enthusiasm for making games, I tried to translate it myself.

Here is the document - LINK

I made this with the help of Google Translation and I hope its not too bad 

After opening the program, you can watch the official sample first.

--> Tool column in the upper left corner --> Work ( 作 品 ) --> First line

Although they are all in Japanese, you can see all kinds of special effects and actions that Light.VN can do.

Of course to know what Light.VN can do. You can also see from the official YT.

The following is the content in Excel ((If anyone can't open Excel

The tool list on the left side:


作品 - 作品設定

作品 - エディター


First row below middle:

コマンド - Commands:

It hasn't been completed yet, so it will increase afterwards (( When I have time

To be continue ....

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【 Introduction / Review】Light.VN 【 Visual Novel Engine】 【 Introduction / Review】Light.VN 【 Visual Novel Engine】 Reviewed by NingNing on January 06, 2022 Rating: 5


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