【Components introduce #03】TyranoBuilder

This is a continuation of the second part. In this article, I will continue the components that were not written in the previous article.

    Before going in, please note that my native language is not English and most of this website is translated by Google Translation, so I hope you don’t mind  <3 

    Components in the purple area (Messages):

    Show Text  Let TyranoBuilder know that you want to display the dialogue/text. If you don’t put  Show Text in front of the Text, the dialogue box will not be displayed. The player can’t see the text , so always add Show Text  at the top of each plot/paragraph. 

    Example :

    Remove Text  Let TyranoBuilder know that there is no text or dialogue to be displayed. You can use it when you want to display CG or movies and hide the Dialogue Box - Note that if you use Remove Text, Dialogue box will not be displayed afterwards. so if you want to continue the dialog, you need to put a Show Text

    Show Background  Like Remove Text, the dialog box will disappear. But unlike Remove TextShow Background will only make the dialog box disappear before the player clicks the next time, but Remove Text will make the dialog box disappear until Show Text is added.

    Set Text Speed  Set the display speed of the text that appears 

    Change Font Style   Change the style of the text that appears (like the size of the character/color or font)

    Reset Font Style -  Reset the appearance of the text (back to the default appearance)

    Next is the orange part

    Components in the orange area ( Media / Video Backdrop)  :


    Play Music 
    - Play a piece of music-you can select the music you want to play through the tool bar on the right. Through Preview, you can see the duration of the selected music or click the arrow to listen to the music.
    You can change the number under Volume to adjust the volume of the music (only set between 0 and 100) Check Loop play to let the music loop indefinitely until Stop Music appears

    Stop Music - If you want to stop the music, you can put on Stop Music and the music will stop.

    Play Sound Effect - Playing a sound effect is not much different from that of Play Music  except that there can Silence other sound effects-if you check it, it will turn off the other sound effects while playing this sound effect. You can also select a Channel-and then you can turn off a sound effect individually


    Sound Effect  - If you want to stop the sound effect, you can put on Stop Sound Effect so that the sound effect will stop
    -select a channel to stop one of the sound effects


    Play Video  Play a movie
    Similarly, you can select the desired movie through Browse or preview the movie through Video
    Change the number in Volume to adjust the volume
    Checking Skippable will allow the player to skip the movie with a single click of the mouse

    Video Backdrop:
    Play BackdropPlay a movie/use movie as the background
    Similarly, you can select the desired movie through Browse or preview the movie through Video
    Change the number in Volume to adjust the volume
    Loop play-You can play movies repeatedly

    Stop Backdrop- Turn off the movie that you started playing with the Play Backdrop, you will continue to use the original background ((If there is no previous background, it will become black.

    Await Backdrop End- Waiting for the Backdrop movie to end and continue the dialogue

    Components in the green area ( 3D Camera ) :

    Pan Camera - move camera  

    You can move the camera  through the tool column on the right
    Click Preview Camera to preview the changes of the camera  and adjust the digital in Preview Camera
    If you check this ⬇ ⬇, you will wait until the moving time is over before continuing the plot
    Through the Target Layer, you can set the layer pocket to be moved (like the background layer or the role layer)

    Reset Camera - Reset camera  
    Let the camera  back to the original look
    You can select a specific layer to return to the camera  - you can preview the effect through the Preview Camera

    Await Camera End - Waiting for the camera to change, if you put it on, you will wait until the camera change is over and continue the plot. 

    Components in the brown area ( System )  :

    Process Variable Once you have set the Variable, you can use Process Variable
    Enter the name of Variable first, and then you can select from the bottom of Operation whether the value is to be increased/decreased or multiplied and divided...

    Input Box - Let player enter text / answer
    You can change the size and position of the text box as you like
    Changing the number in the Font Size can change the font size
    Character Limit-The maximum number of characters that a player can enter
    If it is 5, the players can only enter 5 characters

    Commit InputStore the player's answers / input text 

    The last part is the gray part

    Components in the gray area ( Script) :

    IScript - Allows you to use your own code. If TyranoBuilder may not be able to do what you want or you can use it if you want to present a certain effect in other ways.

    TyranoScript- Allows you to use TyranoBuilder tags - available tags can be checked on the official website

    【Components introduce #03】TyranoBuilder 【Components introduce #03】TyranoBuilder Reviewed by NingNing on October 06, 2021 Rating: 5

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